Thursday, November 3, 2011

June Ride Summary

Sunday, June 5: I&M Canal from Empress Road to Channahon

I thought there had been more rides in June than just this one, but looking back through my email and the Garmin logs, I can't find anything. I see lots of references to weddings and mission trips and Relay for Life and bad weather, etc. So I think it was a really busy month for lots of people, with uncooperative weather on top of that.


After more searching, I did end up finding a GPS log from another June ride...

Sunday, June 5: I&M Canal from Channahon to Somewhere past McKinley Woods
This was a fairly short and somewhat different type of ride for the group. We wanted to explore the idea of family bike rides, with kids included. It turned out to be a really fun time, though the distance was maybe a tad too long for the youngsters and quite a bit shorter than adults prefer to ride. In the future we would like to re-explore the idea of rides for the whole family, but we are not yet sure how to make those work for everyone.


I knew there was one ride this summer when I didn't take my GPS watch to log our trip. I believe that was June 30th. We rode the Rock Run Trail from Gaylord Road down to the I&M Canal, east along the canal to Larkin Road, and then back up the Joliet Junction Trail to our starting point. Here's a map.

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