Sunday, June 10, 2012

Exploring Drauden Road

Tim and I took a little trip this afternoon and met up with Nelson along the way.  Due to time constraints we didn't ride too far, but we did explore a portion of the first leg of next month's excursion.  This would be the section from the church down to our first stop at River Road and Jefferson, although we didn't actually get to Jefferson today.

I had ridden this route multiple times but I wanted a couple other group members to give it a try with me.  My plan was to get their impression of narrow Drauden Road and also to see how it was to get through there with more than one cyclist. 

I wish I knew a better way to bike from the north side of Plainfield to Caton Farm Road.  Once you get to Caton Farm there are lots of options for getting around, but I don't know of a really comfortable way of getting from Lockport Street to Caton Farm.  So my practice is to take Drauden and endure the 0.8 miles where it is narrow with no shoulder.  Actually I think that is the practice of many cyclists, because I often see others along there, too.  Luckily the cars have always been very patient and careful, which was the case again today.

Tim and Nelson thought it wasn't too bad.  I'm thinking we should go through there in multiple groups, 2-3 at a time.  That way cars don't have to get all bunched up trying to pass a whole group of cyclists at once.  We'll see how traffic is that morning and make a decision at that time.

Here's the summary:  

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